General Tips

Whatever You Are Be A Good One: Quote (Meaning)

whatever you are be a good one

Whatever you are be a good one. Choosing your career can be a bit confusing because youth now a day want to do almost everything. And not only that choosing a career where you can’t put in much effort is even worst. And that is exactly why most people hate their job. According to Forbes, almost 75% of average Americans hate their jobs. It’s not because they are being treated badly by their bosses. The fact is that they hate the actual sector they are working for. They made a choice of career where they have no passion for it.

It could be that you ride in the same boat with them. Well don’t worry, am going to give you a powerful hack that will change everything. This guide am going to show you is really essential for your success. And to be or not to be, it does depends on better understanding of it and it usage. And I know when everything goes well with you. You will buy your dream house, car and even throw a big party with your friends. Wow, what an amazing life?

But now, here you are without any of these. But it doesn’t have to be this way, the secret hack for making this great dream a reality is exactly what am going to show you. And all that you need to see it is to scroll down below. But wait. Before you can actually make use of the hacks am going to show you. You need to understand what the quote actually means, it origin and who came up with it. So pay very close attention.

Whatever you are be a good one meaning. This is where things are going to be very weird but there is nothing to be scare of here. I said that just to remind you that, the basic concept of the hacks am going to show you depends on it. Fail to grab the meaning and the hack will work against you. Again, master the meaning deeply and you can apply it everywhere and achieve great result with it. It works like the law of attraction, it’s always at work everywhere. And also remember that…

Whatever you are be a good one Abraham Lincoln. Is known as the one who said it, but there is a little problem am going to address on that one too. You also need to pay very close attention to that because part of the hack will require a proper understanding of the history behind the quote.

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Again don’t let this scare you, the hack won’t work against you that much if the meaning isn’t clear. But what I want for you is to have all the hacks am going to show you work for you and not against you. That is why am going to take my time to explain everything step by step together with the lessons and the hacks each section emphases. So let see actually…

What does whatever you are be a good one mean?

There are a lot of people with so many different careers in life. They feel happy just because they have some basic experience of it. But here the quote is telling you that, whatever career you have be good at it. Meaning you should have deep knowledge of your field and not just an overview understanding of it. The problem with this is that, a lot of people think the more career they acquire, the more they will be respected.

But trust me, that is a false idea. Because to become rich or successful, it doesn’t takes 100 ideas but just a single one. Just have a look at the successful you know in your area. Or let just take Bill Gate and Mark as an example. All two are successful because of their single business. So it actually not about the number of careers you should have. What really count is how experience you are on that field. Now, quantity doesn’t matter anymore, we all need quality things.

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And if you need prove of this, just think twice why businesses conduct interview before they recruit new applicants. They could have chosen the first people to submit their cv but remember, they prefer quality over quantity. Because no manger will like to recruit a dumbed employee claiming to be smart, they can’t trust such people with their business.

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So whatever you do in life or career you have, learn more about it and acquire deep knowledge of it. Because you can only come up with something great base on the knowledge you have on your field. So don’t let the number of careers others have fool you, such people can’t invent new things because they lack focus. But…

Who said whatever you are be a good one?

By now you might be wondering who came up with this great quote? What if I tell you that you will be very surprised when you get to know of who said it? It is no one but Abraham Lincoln. He died in 1865 and the firs attribution to Abraham Lincoln was printed in a very late compendium of quotations in 1946. And that is not the only quote Lincoln has come up with, there are a lot the world can’t forget. I personally like him a lot because his words are very inspiring and also he has been the best president of America who has ever lived.

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When did Lincoln say whatever you are be a good one?

When Lawrence Hutton was young the great writer Thackeray. Put his hand on his little red head and asked, hey boy, what do you intend to become in future? To this Lawrence replied, I want to be a farmer. Thackeray looked at him very quietly and asked again why he want to become a farmer. The boy didn’t give any meaningful reply but Thackeray then said, Okay boy whatever you are, be a good one.

whatever you are be a good one
whatever you are be a good one

Don’t be confused of this by assuming that’s where the quote originated from, no. Lincoln came up with the quote almost 3 years later before it happens. But where Lincoln said this is hard to be known because he himself went through a lot of failures before succeeding. He is known as the man who has failed most in a lot of things. But we can surely say that the quote came up from one of his inspirational speeches. But we can’t actually count on this because there is no evidence to back it up. So where he said it is currently “Unknown” simple.  

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Whatever you are, be a good one quote origin and examples

I love this quote that I can never stop thinking of it. Because the lessons in it are very great to live on, it gives you an inspiration to focus on whatever you are doing. And forget what the world is talking about. But that is not the only quote, there are other great quote I have listed below that the meaning will blow your mind. I actually use most of it as my daily affirmation and trust me it’s boosting my life. Just look at some of it below…

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Final thought

In short, all that am saying is that, forget what the world is doing and do whatever you love. Learn more about your craft and develop much experience about it. Doing so will help you to focus and to bring out the best in you. And…

I want you to take note of this 10 Unnecessary Waste Of Money You Should Avoid in your life.


About justice

A software engineer, graphic designer, web developer, copy writer, as well as a blogger
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