15 Tips for success in life. Do you like the idea of rich peoples following success tips in life? Or you are like:
I hate it; I don’t like having only 6 to 7 hours of sleep per night, but I prefer to be on bed and only wake up until I have gotten something to do. “Congratulations!” You’re already a step ahead of all successful people and the rest of us. But you know what? You are “Super Lazy” and this quote will help you “Success Does Not Happen Overnight, Get Up, Move Your Ass, And Work on Your Goals”.
You have heard that the best way to catch a fish is to learn to fish. You are not fishing here, but the same principle applies to building wealth. You will learn 15 of the best-proven success tips that will change you completely even if you are “super Lazy”. Knowing this advice or secret tips and applying them will help you to become that successful person you dream of becoming in the future. So if you really want to learn how to be successful, these tips are essential for you:
Table of Contents
How Can These Success Tips Help You
“You Attract What You Do” The law of attraction is not a magic way of building wealth, is all about continuously working on what you want to achieve. You can’t practice typing and become a carpenter as well as practicing hair barbering to become an electrician. What you focus on is what the end result will be. Applying below proven tips to what you focus on will not only guide you to achieve your future goals, you will develop a good character too, but…
For you to become successful, you must know exactly the kind of skill you want, the person you want to be, and also the type of future life you want before applying below secret tips (take your time and figure this out).
So, now that you know the kind of future and the person you want to be, you now have to apply the…
1. Accountability

Accountability is a prove or end result of work done. You always prepare daily routine and to-do list, why? Because you don’t want time to just slip by without you doing anything productive for your life or business.
But tell me. Do you always work and use the exact time you have prepared on your to-do list? Or sometimes you just use some of those times for playing video games or watching Netflix?
This is a common problem to most people not only you. But the real problem is that, no one is holding you accountable for your life or the list of what is on your to-do-list, so whether you work according to what is on your to-do-list or not, no one is going to lock you up in jail.
But tell me, is this really beneficial?
No, if you continue living your life like this, you will be lack behind. At the end, you will blame yourself of not being a hard worker. No; you work very hard don’t blame yourself; the problem is that, no one is holding you accountable so you choose to work any how you want.
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Example of accountability
During my college, I rented a house with one friend called James. James was very intelligent and was the top student in the computer networking class, but I wasn’t the top student in my class (computer Science). We all had a daily time table that we were following for our personal studies. James always top the class in all the exams and I do fall in some where 9th to 11th.
But 2 semesters later something strange happened. Do you know what?
James took the position of 20th and I was in 3rd in the next semester exams. How did this happen?
James made some changes in how he was studying, not to his time table but how he was utilizing the time on it. Because…
We were two renting in the town and no parent or teacher was holding us accountable for our daily studies, James later chooses to learn when he felt to. He liked watching football and he could waste 10 productive hours watching the TV. But I knew that, at the end, I will be accountable for myself in the end of semester exams. This helped me to move from 11th to the 3rd position and later became the top student in the class.
James never knew the value of accountability and thought he already knew a lot and this holds him moved backward until I later told him his real problem.
How to Be Accountable For Yourself
Remember that, the kind of health, knowledge, and the life that you are living right now, is a result of what you have been doing “Your Life Today, Is a Result of What You Did Yesterday”. So if you want to live a successful life in the future. Then you must be aware that whatever you are doing today, you will be accountable to yourself in the future. If you work hard and make your goals come true, you will be successful, but if you don’t, you will live a poor life.
This tips for success in life is very beneficial but hard to do it. It requires strong personal discipline. But to make use of it very well, here is how to do it…
Have a life partner (I don’t mean your Ex boy or girl) that will be accountable for your daily activities. The best way to do this is to let a close friend or a family member agree to you on this. Or if you don’t have any friend or not close to family member, you can go to Facebook or Twitter and post something in a group like: “I need a close friend who will be my life accountability partner” (Be careful when choosing peoples on social media as friends).
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When you have gotten one, give him or her weekly routine and ask him or her, to ask you to show report of what you do each day. This way you will know that someone will be waiting for an account of what you are doing right now at the end of the day.
With this in mind, you will eliminate laziness and work according to the time you have set. Because if you don’t, you won’t have anything to report on.
You can cheat on this and give a fake report to your accountability partner on what you have not worked on. But remember “Is Your Own Life” Your accountability partner is only helping you to become that rich, wealthy and successful person you dream of.
So be discipline in this game and give an account of what you have done only.
Once you are discipline on this you will find it much easier to use this next success tip…
2. Your Inner World, Create Your Outer World

You have probably heard that “Mindset Is Everything” Yes this is right, and is one of my favorite quotes. For you to become rich, wealthy, successful, or poor in life, it all depends on your mindset. What you think on daily is a reflection of what you will become in the future. That is why the saying goes that “Your Inner World, Create Your Outer World”.
So you need to think positively all the time. Don’t be like Hey Justice; you said I came here to learn, the 15 tips for success in life that will change my life completely and now you are saying what? “My inner world creates my outer world” Yes, you heard it right. If you grab what I am telling you and you think positively; Your success will just be one month ahead from now.
Do you think, Bill Gate, Steve Job and almost all the successful people in the world thinks negatively? No, if all their mindset is like, “Let Go And Chase girls We Need To Enjoy Life” They wouldn’t have been to where they are today. They would have been among the poorest people in the world. But what made them so rich? Mindset, mindset and nothing more than positive mindset. They…
Thought positively in their inner world and now look at how successful their outer world is. I will give you a secret tip to think positively so that you can become successful. But before I show you, listen to this…
Example of what I mean by “your inner world, create your outer world”
Two girls were given $400,000 each as a gift; we will call them Mrs. Rich and Mrs. Poor.
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Mrs. Poor believes that “money is the root of all evil”. Mrs. Rich believes that “Poverty is the root of all evil”.
Because Mrs. Poor has a negative mindset about money, she never made an attempt to learn anything about money in her life. So, do you know what she did with her gift?
She bought one of the latest cars in town. She drove it up and down in the town just for impressing others. Because she knew nothing about money, 3 months later and all her money was spent on fuel. Later the car became faulty and she was with no money to repair. It sounds so good, right?
Wrong, look at…
What Mrs. Rich did. Because she had a positive mindset about money and was financially illiterate; she bought 5 vending machines which were putting money into her pocket month after month. She never became in need of money any more. So…
Tell me, is it not the mindset of these two friends which caused one to become poor and the other rich?
Well, the question answers itself; remember I told you earlier on that. If you will become rich or poor it all depends on your mindset (inner world). Now…
Back to the promise that I made to you “secret tips for success in life to think positively” that will make you rich and successful. Bellow here…
How To Think Positively And Create Rich Inner World For Yourself
Everyone wishes that they do think positively in life all the time. Yes, that what you want right? But why can’t you do this but always thinking both positively and negatively?
It is not your fault, that is how the world has turn into now. Back in the ancient days when Adam and Eve were created, there was no sin and that means no negative thought. But something happened and that has caused us to think both negatively and positively. Hey Mr. Preacher, you are now preaching me about Bible? No, am just telling you about the root cause of how we don’t think only positively in life. But…
What is the lesson in this? Is simple, “There is both good and bad side of everything”. So it shouldn’t be strange to you that, we think both negatively and positively. But…
There is a way we can trick our mind to think positively. Do you know the power of “Rubber Band”, do you know that ordinary rubber band can make you quite a habit or think positively? Well, in case you didn’t know. Rubber band is my best friend and just give me seconds, you will love it too.
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The hack to use a rubber band to condition your mind to think positively is simply. Just place a rubber band on your wrist and whenever a negative thought comes into your mind just hit the rubber band. Do this for just 2 weeks and see if you will ever think negatively again. Apply this to any habit you want to quit and there you go, check the image below.
Okay, now is time for the secret tip you have been waiting for. This is…
3. Sleep Less to succeed

All successful individuals know exactly the total number of hours of sleep they do need each night in other not to feel depressed. But this is the opposite with the poor or most people.
Others don’t know the exact hour of sleep they do need. They choose to sleep 8-10 hours each night and even beyond that. This is wrong; while sleeping will have a great impact on your health it can also have influence on your goals. Imagine you have the same goal with your friends and you tend to be sleeping 9-10 hours each night whiles your friends sleeps 6 hours. Tell me…
Between you and your friends with same goal, who among you will be more productive on your targeted goals? You right?
Wrong. Sleeping 9-10 hours is way too long I think unless you are on sick bed. In all is not the quantity of sleep that matters but the quality. If you are able to have 6 hours of deep sleep is far better than 9-10 hours of restless sleep.
- success tips in life:: Check Also:: My Secret of Becoming Successful
Example of sleeping less
James and John are good friends. James sleeps for 9 hours each night whiles John sleeps for 5 hours each night. James always feels depressed in the next morning even though he does sleep much longer hours than John.
He has a thinking problem that he normally deals with at night. Due to this, he could spend all night on bed without ever sleeping deeply. His eyes will be closed alright as if he is sleeping but to sleep deeply! No his mind won’t allow him to. Due to this every afternoon he turns to sleep 2 hours more for him to feel ok. So due to this every 24 hours he waste 11 of it on bed sleeping.
John on the other hand enjoys deep sleep each night as his mind does not trouble him as his friend James. So while James tends to waste 11 hours in every 24 hours, John wastes only 5. This makes john more productive and work much longer hours on his goals than James.
So, with this example in mind, if you are asked to identify whom among these two friends will achieve financial freedom early. There won’t be no doubt than to say John right?
You remember whom I referred above as James and John? Well that was me and my college friend. Whiles he was sleeping 5 hours at night I was sleeping 11 hours. But you know what! This friend, his name is Ebenezer being a good friend, sat me down one day after lectures and said to me “Hey Justice you sleep a lot, you know what?
If you want to be among the top students in the class, guy you need to cut down the hours of sleep you waste each day” I told him I don’t sleep just for sleeping sake but I have a troubling mind.
Not only did he leaves me immediately I replied back, but he helped me cure my troubled mind. And since then I never slept 9 hours again I began sleeping 5 hours just as he and I still do. Thanks to you Ebenezer, you are indeed a good friend.
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How to Sleep Less and Be More Productive On Your Goals
It simple, analyze yourself and don’t copy others base on the number of hours they wastes on bed each night. Remember everyone has his or her own level of physical health. Sleeping according to number of hours your peers or siblings sleep isn’t a good idea. So…
Analyze yourself and figure out exactly the number of hours you do need each night in other not to feel depressed, so that you can be more productive. Always remember is not the quantity of sleep that matters but the quality.
There comes, the most promising advice to be successful in life which I can’t wait to tell you. That is…
4. Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

So what does it actually mean to step out of your comfort zone?
Well, let me take my time and explain it to the fullest, in simple terms it actually means. To quit anything which you feel comfortable doing which does not bring any good result or does not correlate to your dreams. Simple right? You need to focus on things that will help you to achieve your goals rather than doing things which is opposite of your dreams or goals.
This is hard to do because, may be you are busily working on something right now which though does not relate to your goals right? Maybe you are not seeing good result in it but you still have courage that this thing it going to make you a millionaire someday right? When you analyze these questions, you will notice for yourself that, though you are not seeing great result in what you are doing, but you still have a courage that is going to boom one day. But…
Ask yourself, what if it doesn’t boom? Though it might boom and make you that successful or wealthy person you dream of but this is not a good decision. You have goals right? So why don’t you dedicate your time and work hard on your goals instead of doing things which you feel comfortable with. Hoping that it could boom one day which may not or may be who knows. To understand it better just look at below…
Example of stepping out of your comfort zone
Eva and Mary are two good friends; they all have a dream of becoming a nurse in the future. While Eva is still in college learning about medicals Mary has just dropped out of school.
Mary heard from the newspaper that the country needs athletes to be train for the next coming 5 years upcoming Olympic championship. So she having much comfort in running rather than studying medicals she picked a form and joined the training.
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How can her dream of becoming nurse in the future come true? Well, listen to what happened before
The trainee took 4 years and yes Mary does have courage that she could be selected among the top athletes to stand for the country. And her vision came true, she was selected among the top athletes, but do you know what? She was to stay on bench, yes you heard It right bench. But being on bench wasn’t a bad news because definitely someone will be injured and might need to be replaced.
One year came and the game began but the sad news was. The team loosed it first three matches and they were kick out of the tournament. Within those three matches Mary couldn’t got the chance to replace anyone.
The team president together with the country members got angry at the coach. So they insisted they should sack all the athletes and train new ones for the next tournament and yes they did exactly that. Very sad right? What will Mary do now? She has wasted 5 years hoping she could be among the athletes for the country but no, things didn’t go as she thought.
One year came and his friend Eva had been graduated with medical degree and was working for one of the biggest government hospital in the city. Ask yourself, will Mary go back to school and begin working on her dream as a future nurse? She has wasted almost 6 years and if she go back to school it will took her 4 years to graduate before he could secure a job as a nurse. So this will delay and take her long years before her dream will come true, which shouldn’t have been so.
So what is the lesson you should learn from this?
Is simple focus on doing things that will put you one step towards your goals even if you don’t feel comfortable doing it? You can ask yourself each day this question “What have I done today that will help me achieve my goals?” Don’t be like Mary, stop doing things you feel comfortable at which will not have any value in your future. If this is difficult for you to do it then check below on…
Guide to step out from your comfort zone
Get a sheet and a pencil. Divide the sheet into three columns and list your future goals on the last end. List things you feel comfortable doing at each day which doesn’t have value in your goals on the first column. Within the middle column list the things you do daily that moves you a step toward your goals.
Now you know what?
Just have a look at your goals on far end, close your eyes and imagine you have already achieved it. Open your eyes and have a look at those two other columns and ask yourself, which daily activities among these brought me up in this position? Mark those out and pick another sheet and write them on it. When you are done writing, just throw the first sheet away and consider working on what is on the second sheet daily. That is it, your secret key to become successful in life.
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If you won’t take anything from these guides, consider this advice and you will become successful in life without any delay in your way.
Okay, we are getting close to the best tips of being successful in life on this list.
But there’s just one more “powerful” advice I want to teach you before we get to it and that is…
5. Have Time for Personal Development

Personal development simply means that, ensuring a consistent increase in knowledge, growth, and improvement in a personal field. This is not only about ensuring growth in a particular field you aim of, no. The key here is mainly about your future and how you get time to suggest new ideas.
To ensure consistent development in your life; you must have a certain time for personal development. As the saying goes “What you focus on is what you get” this is true. If you dedicate a certain time for yourself to generate new ideas and to work on your habit as well, is 100% that those ideas might come to reality. Let me tell you something about myself on…
Example of having time for personal development
I had this bad habit of pulling my jaw all the time. I sometimes sees my hand on my jaw without even noticing it (how can that be possible?). Habit is something that we keep doing over and over again without sometimes even feels we had done something as such. This was bad for me and I wanted to get rid of it. I tried very hard but it seems like the harder I try the more I remind myself of pulling my jaw.
I sometimes just find myself pulling my jaw in public gathering and other conferences. This was very bad for me and whenever I noticed, I just feel ashamed I can’t get rid of it. But later on I found an answer in one library book I read in the city. It was about dedicating time for habit formation and replacement.
I learnt from the book that, having time for personal development is very essential to every individual. So every 9:00pm before bed, I will sit in the living room and be thinking about myself on how to quite this bad habit. Trust me within a couple of weeks and this habit was out of my life. Wow, how could such thing happen? Well, it didn’t happened by magic but the exact tip am showing you (have time for personal development).
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So what should you learn from this successful advice?
It simple, anything that you wish to achieve in life, dedicate time for yourself and think of it each day or week. Remember there are 1000 of advice out there but the best and concrete one is within you. So have time for your personal development. If you are unsure of how to do this then check below on…
How to dedicate time for personal development
You can set 1 hour each day before going to sleep or in the morning. Pick a time you will be comfortable with and make sure to do this in a place where there won’t be any destruction. To ensure high concentration, you can consider switching off your mobile phone, TV and the Radio. Use this time to think about how far you have worked on your goals and how you can do more to improve the speed of achieving such a goal.
You can also use this time to change and replace some bad habit just as I did it in the beginning. Not only that, but rather you can use this time for anything about your personality including your health.
Start this magic success tip and see how great impact it will have on your life.
Once you’ve gotten time for your personal development you’ll find it easier to use this next success tip…
6. Successful People Never Stop Learning

Education is a continuous process it does not end. Therefore you should never stop learning in your life. This is a guaranteed tip to become successful in life in a few months if you do go by what I am telling you.
Rich people do not stop learning; fox news reported last year that Bill Gate alone read an average of 24 books per year. This means every month he reads two books.
One thing you should know about learning is that learning is the source of information. I can assure you most billionaires with big growing companies got their idea from learning by reading books. It true these people do use their heads a lot, but my brother they’re hiding something from you. Don’t think they’re too smart than you no, they’re equal to you, the difference is that they keep searching for information and new ideas.
Begin reading books in any field you want or if you want to start a business and you lack ideas; just pick some books full of business ideas and keep reading. You may not find your answer in one book so the advice I will give you is to keep reading other books. By the time you are done reading one or two books trust me you may find a lot of ideas.
This is a must start now idea among the tips to become successful in life. Let me tell you how I got an idea of my growing business
Example of continues learning
I went to café one Saturday afternoon and I met one successful man called Mr. Seth. I got surprised by the kind of laptop he was using (It was so beautiful) so I got close and said to him; man how were you able to afford that? He looked me in the face and laughed. Do you know what came out from his mouth? This is what he said “I have 150 of these in my company”
I ask him what company is that and he said Bank. Wow, my first time meeting a bank owner. I had an account in that bank with some penny but I never told him about it, I ask how he got such idea and this is all that he said “Reading, Reading, Reading friend”. He explained it to me so well about the benefits of reading books; he then told me he has been reading an average of 4 business books per month.
It sounds crazy right?
Wrong; listen to this quote “The moment you see result you become interested” So this quote is their secret key. Whenever they get result from their ideas on reading books, it inspires them to keep reading and search for new ideas. So don’t think they read because they just enjoy doing it; No they have a reason and that is what I have told you.
Mr. Seth words encourage me and I got into the habit of reading books. Now I have 3 growing business and among these business, none of the ideas came directly from my head but rather through reading books.
So start reading books with the purpose of searching for new ideas now. If you are unsure how to do this listen to…
How to never stop learning
Is easy but sometimes the problem occurs on where you will get good books. At first, I was reading on local libraries but I found out that most of the books there are outdated. So I started using online sources form click-bank Where I got this successful book full of business ideas.
You need to read this successful book if you want to start your own business both online or offline and you lack ideas.
So start with the above book and when you implement it and you see the result you will never stop learning again.
Okay, now it’s time for the moment you’ve been waiting for.
The best tips to become successful in life…
7. Take Action

Do you know what makes this success tip best among the rest?
Is because if you go ahead and read further on the secret am going to teach you I guarantee you will become rich and successful in a few months. Yes I really mean it so let start;
Do you think it will be relevant for you to gain all the knowledge in this world and couldn’t implement a single of it? No, all that knowledge will be of no use. You should take actions on what you learn rather than letting it be knowledge of no use.
So with all the above successful advice I have given you begin by implementing it, because if you don’t implement then you shouldn’t have read it. Most people are afraid of taking actions but tell me without action can someone become successful in life? Never will it be possible. You can’t tell me that, you will become rich by next year just because you have a great business idea in mind without you taking no action towards it. No, this won’t be possible unless by a miracle.
So take action, with all the successful people you know and have seen in advertisement, one thing they have in common is their “Action Takers”. Just listen to this…
Example of taking action
James and Peter are all computer science graduate. Each of them has a great online business idea, which could make each a billionaire in the next one year. James being too afraid of losing his money in the business never implemented his idea. Peter on the other hand wasn’t like James. He started the business and within a couple of years there he was a billionaire.
So you see the difference between taking action and not taking action? Well, that is how life is and as the saying goes “You can never have what you have not worked for”. So if you want to become successful in life then you need to take action by implementing all the success tips I have shown you. if you lack understanding or don’t know how to take successful actions then read the below guide. It will help you take action and become wealthy in life.
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How to take actions
Whenever you get a new idea don’t let fear over whelm you of implementing it. You may not know how the outcome of a particular idea may be. So the best option is to implement it, and when it fails you will learn something new to improve it. When it doesn’t fail then boom you are gone, a billionaire.
Remember it doesn’t take 100 ideas to become successful but only 1. So you need to keep implementing any idea you get and when of it kick then you are gone. This is how all successful people get into great business. For example Jack Ma, who set up “Alibaba” currently known as amazon failed many times before he got the business to where it is now.
So take action and you will become successful in life.
Now let me tell you a single advice to be successful in life, and that is…
8. Invest In Yourself

This is something I wasn’t told in the beginning of my life. It took me almost 18 years before I got to know of it. So what does it actually mean to invest in yourself? Have a look at number 6 above, what does it say? Go and make friends right?
It actually says “Never stop learning” Do you remember I told you to go and start reading books? Sure, don’t bother checking there won’t be any exams. So imagine base on what I said, you had no book now but you have seen the relevant of reading books. So you just click on the link above and purchased one successful book.
What do you think you have done now? You have invested in yourself. Investing in yourself is a great thing you will ever do to yourself. Now let me tell you something inspiring on…
Example of investing in yourself
It was a raining day in one evening around 11:15pm. It was very cold in the room and I couldn’t sleep so I waked up. I tuned in my radio and heard some man speaking about self-development and he did mention of investing one self. That was my first time of hearing something like that, so I decided to give it a try. I wanted to have my own laptop; I was 15 years by then and was very poor.
But what the man said touches my heart so much, it was a rainy day with a lot of lighting so it would be difficult for me to forget that day. I began saving small, small because I really wanted to invest myself and have my own laptop.
I couldn’t purchase it within the next 4 month because my savings wasn’t enough. The next month came and still my savings wasn’t up to the required amount so I needed to continue toping it up until the next 6th month. Within the 15th day of the 6th month I got myself a brand new dell laptop.
Laptop wasn’t so cheap by then, only few rich people could afford it but I was able to. My interest for I.T began and I started learning computer programming. So later I started developing software and websites for other companies on charge.
To tell you the truth, all the source of my business capital came from project I got for developing websites and software for business. Today it still makes me more money as I work on my own.
So can you guess what the main source of my success is? Don’t say laptop but rather it was all about self-investment. If I wouldn’t have implemented what the man thought me on the radio I wouldn’t have been to where I am today. You remember the success advice I gave you on number 7? (Take Action)
How to begin investing in yourself
Don’t postpone things. One thing most people are good at is postponing things, they may have a great idea but for them to begin working on it they will say tomorrow, next month or next year.
Don’t be like such people. If you really want to become successful in your life then you need to start investing in yourself even if it hard to do so. Whatever you want to achieve in life, begin by seeking ideas about it. Even if you are to pay for webinars and books, do it is for your own good.
Now below is my favorite part among these tips to become successful in life. Read further below it says…
9. Study Successful People

We always learn from successful people and we will keep learning from them. It makes no sense to start the journey of success all by yourself. The bible says “There is nothing new under the sun” What you are seeking for has already been achieved by someone.
So in other not to repeat the same mistakes that they did on their journey of success why don’t you study from them? Besides studying from others isn’t a bad thing but rather it helps speed the accomplishment of anything by avoiding mistakes. Since infancy we have been studying from our parent, teachers, peers and so many people I can’t even mention.
Most successful people today did learn from others before they got to where they are today. Look at this…
Example of studying successful people
You remember I told you Bill Gate alone do read an average of 2 books in a month? Whom do you think he is learning from? The book owners of course. So don’t be shy of learning from others, everybody does it. Let me give you a single successful tip on…
How to study Successful People
Reading successful books written by other wealthy peoples is the easiest and the best option to study successful people. Besides that you can also listen to podcast and be going to webinars organize by successful peoples.
Before you go and start studying successful people I want you to…
10. Use Failure as a Stepping Stone

Have you ever failed before? What was it about? To me, I have failed many times and yes am not shy to say it. One good thing about failure is that it always teaches you something new. Albert Einstein once said “We don’t learn by succeeding, we learn by failing” If the odds are always at your favor you will never learn anything new.
Whenever you fail then failure is telling you that; “Hey man, what you have done is wrong, that is not how it supposed to be done, look for better way and come back and apply it”
So failure always guides you and reminds you of the right thing to do. Whenever you fail at something don’t quit but remember failure is trying to teach you something new. Just listen to below example about Warren Buffet and how he failed many times.
Example of using failure as a stepping stone
Warren Buffet the great investor failed many times by losing huge sum of money in many businesses that he did invested in. But he didn’t quite just because he was losing money, no. Anytime he loses he learnt something new and never repeats such mistake again.
So what Warren Buffet was doing exactly here was using failure as a stepping stone.
How to use failure as a Stepping Stone
Don’t give up easily whenever you encounter failure. Figure out what is wrong and learn something from that. And when you have gotten your lesson, write it down for you not to forget and repeat the same mistake again. Is simple, whenever you fail you know something is wrong right?
So what do you do? You figure it out and then use that failure as a source of moving from one place to another (failure to success)
We are almost at the end of this success tips but one thing you can’t do without is to…
11. Organize Your Time

Have you ever, wasted 10 hours parting all day whiles you had gotten something important to work on? Was the work completed after the party? No, it was still there waiting for you to work on right? Don’t be shy; you are not the only one it has happened to you.
It has happened to me many times until I later started organizing my time very well. Since then I have seen great improvement in my life. I never knew the value of setting daily routine, but once I began organizing my time I never leave a single day without following a to-do list.
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Time management is the main key to success in life. If you begin organizing your time, you will be able to spot out some of the activities you should dedicate much time to. It obvious we do spend much time on activities which do not have any values for our future goals. To understand this better just look at this below on…
Example of time management
Susan is a high college student. Her goal is to be the top student in her class. Due to bad time management, she spends 10 to 11 hours watching Netflix daily. She study for only 2 hours within the day whiles her colleague’s study for 5 to 6 hours.
Tell me, if Susan does not change her time management her dream of becoming the top student will come true right?
She really needs to organize her time very well to study more hours than her friends. Let see how she can do this on…
How to organize your time
The way you can organize your time well is to figure out exactly what is important to you in your life. Then your next move is to dedicate much time to those daily activities that will help you to achieve what you want.
Let say, you want to be a financial adviser in the future. Then the way you could organize your time well is to dedicate much time to learn more about money, debt and investment.
Do you remember I said in the previous article that I have a gift for you on how to be successful in life in 6 steps?
Well, you are about to receive it, all you have to do is to read further on…
12. The Power of Affirmation

Affirmation is the repetition of positive words over and over to yourself. It simple, whenever you repeat an affirmation to yourself it encourages you to do more. I remember I was told in my college to write on “how to achieve success in life essay” I repeated almost 3 different affirmations in it. Trust me my peers enjoyed it very well when I stood in front of the class and read it aloud.
Why, because whenever you repeat any affirmation to yourself; it sounds that the thing is already achieved or you are in the exact position already. Most successful people knows the power of affirmation and they do repeat it to themselves severely times within a day.
Example of using affirmation
We all know Block Lesner the 10* WWE champion. Whenever he is in the ring, he will have his secretly Paul Hermon speak on behalf of him saying “Brock Lesner am the best among the rest” he keeps saying it over and over until the match ends.
And the devil within block strike very hard whenever he hears that he is the best among the rest, even when he is down he forces to rise up.
So use affirmation as a source of motivation on your journey to success.
How to use Affirmation
There is a lot of affirmation you can use. Look for words that when you to yourself; will encourage you to do more on your goals. You can repeat it to yourself daily in the morning and evening before bed.
If you don’t know what to say you can use these:
I am a positive thinker;
I always find positive in everything;
I feel great about myself and my life;
I think positive thoughts and radiate positive energy with ease;
I am full of positive thoughts from the moment I wake up;
I take charge and get things done;
I am always moving forward and working on my goals;
I complete project with plenty of time to spare;
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13. Plan

If you haven’t started planning then I guess you need to start now. When you have plans in life, you will be able to know where exactly you are taking your life to. It also keeps you focus all the time because it reminds you that you have gotten something important to work on.
I personally didn’t get to know the value of planning early. But one day I read an article by Inga Stasiulionyte from success She explained it in the article very well. So that very evening I picked a sheet and pen and begin drawing a plan for my life. Since then my life has been improving and I actually can’t live without a plan, thanks to you Inga Stasiulionyte
I really appreciate your good work.
How to Draw a Plan
You don’t need any special skills to begin drawing a plan. All that you need is a pen and paper. List what you want to achieve in the coming years and how you are going to achieve it. Simple that is all what planning is about. So take this opportunity and anytime you wish to achieve something. Plan it first and then go for it.
That brought us to…
14. Focus

Keep focusing on whatever you are doing and you will succeed. Don’t listen to what others are saying about you. You are the one who controls your life, they don’t control you. Focusing on a specific thing can sometimes be hard to do when the odds are no at your favor. Elon Musk once said “If something is important enough to you; You do it even if the odds are not at your favor”
You just need to keep focusing and don’t ever give up. Remember you will only win if you don’t give up.
15. Believe You will Succeed

Do you lack faith? Don’t, you need to have the gut to believe in anything you do. If you believe you will succeed you will surely succeed but if you don’t then just don’t waste your time of becoming the next billionaire or whatever.
Visualize your success all the time and it will keep you focus and also from disbelieve.
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A final thought on tips to a successful life
So that ends the success tips in life. One successful advice I will give you is to be a man of action. Get the action habit and whatever you learn implement it. If you learn and you take no action you will see no result. So take action and when it fails you will learn something new from it.
Remember I said failure is part of the journey to success. Do not quite whenever you encounter failure but rather use it as a stepping stone to achieve a successful life.
Now I challenge you to comment bellow one thing you are going to take action on now from this successful advice.
In the next article I will talk about…
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success tips for life