How to get rich with no money or education. Imagine you went to bed with no money in your pocket, and then the next morning you got a notification from your bank saying, $93400, 000 has been credited to your account. Tell me, how happy will you feel? You will buy your dream house, buy yourself the latest car and buy those fancy clothes you have been dreaming of.
But now, here you are, without any of these. But it doesn’t have to be this way. The magic secret of becoming rich in life without no money or education is just a few scrolls bellows. All you have to see it is to scroll down…
There are so many ways rich peoples today who started their journey with no education or money have been using. That is exactly what am going to show you. But remember what I always say to you here (Action, Action, and tack Action) because if you don’t take any action on the secret am about to show you, you will never see any result. Just imagine a Taxi driver sitting on a bench and saying to himself, in one hour, I must get to the next city. This driver keeps saying that to himself but yet he still sat on the same chair without any intention of moving his ass to drive the car. How is he going to get to the next city in one hour? Two hours will come and if he doesn’t move his ass, he will still be sitting on the bench.
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The journey to become rich or successful man or woman is exactly like that. There are thousands of peoples who are with great financial ideas that could make them millionaires in a few months but they are not willing to take any action on such ideas. Remember “If you have 1000 resources and you don’t know how to use any of it then it’s not wealth having” Richness comes to only those who are willing to take actions. Let us take Mr. Bill Gates as an example. When he got the idea of setting up Microsoft, do you think if he would have taken no action, could he have gotten to where he is now?
That is how simple richness comes to those who are willing to take action on their ideas.
Okay, here come the secrets I want to show you (how to get rich with no money or education)

Table of Contents
5 Ways of getting rich with no education or money
1. Pay yourself first
In today’s world, almost 90% of every country population are consumers. Look at this simple analysis. You wake up from bed and brush your teeth. Who is making money here? The producer of tooth paste and brush. You went to a coffee shop and grab hot $5 Starbucks coffee. Who is making money here? the coffee owner. You walk on the street and you heard a scent of a delicious fried rich and you say to yourself, gee… I must get a taste of this food. So you went to the restaurant and bought it. Who is making money here? The restaurant owner.
So you see, base on this simple analysis. Its shows that you are paying your hard earnings back to all these peoples. But tell me, what of you yourself? Who is paying you? No one right? Yes, that is the main reason why you are still broke or poor. If you work hard every month for money, and pay it back to producers of goods you consume, then tell me how are you going to become rich in the future? Or what are you going to depend on in case you lost your current job? (If you are really eager of becoming rich in life, then get a pen and write this secret down)
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Remember, all the monies you do earn, are all yours to keep and to invest it for your future. But here comes the case, you are giving all this money back to others. This causes you not to make use of what I just told you “All that you earn is yours to keep” yes all the monies you earn are yours to keep but yet, you can’t live in a world without spending. So what should you do? Should you spend all your hard earnings? No, Pay yourself at least 10% of all your hard earnings and invest it for your future? (note the secret of how to get rich with no money or education here)
This secret may seem nonsense to you. You may say, oh no Justice, how can 10% of my earnings make me rich in the future? Waite no need to be in a hurry, am about to show you the magic of building great wealth with this 10% of your earnings.
You see most, banks are very smart, they will tell you to save your money with them. But most often they will never tell you to invest. Why because when you save $100 at a particular bank, they will calculate the money multiply out of it and put the rest to work, by either giving it out as a loan to others. Most banks only gives you 10% of this money putting to work, on your behalf for a particular duration as and interest on your savings. Then keep the 90% to themselves. Tell me, are your banks cheating you or not?
But what if you invest your savings? When you invest in any financial institution, no one will calculate any money multiplier out of it. All what you invested will be putting to work for a specific duration base on your pattern of investment. On this most banks only takes out 10 to 20% and give you the rest. That is why Warren Buffet Said “Financial institutions are very smart, they hold me back and now I drive them away” That is why he is much interested in investing in profitable business than financial institutions. Their very smart but yet, if you invest your money with them, it brings in more money than to save for saving sake.
So what is the whole point in this? Invest 10% of all your earnings, don’t just save it. Every little cent you invest is a slave to work for you and it children’s, so-called interest will also be a slave to work for you. All adding up to make you a millionaire someday.
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You have gotten the concept, right? Yes, is too easy to read and go, but implementing it is very hard. But remember what I just told you “Take action and you will be rich”
Getting to the best secret of ways or how to get rich with no money or education.
2. Become rich by learning high income skills
See I tell you, becoming rich is super easy. But most often I do see peoples saying, oh am poor, am poor, is it my destiny or something that I can’t get rid of? No, you can get rid of it, you have just been following the wrong approach in life. You know, before you can become rich or get to a certain point where you will be proud of yourself, you need to learn new things and implement it. That is exactly what am going to show you. Remember, is not about you don’t have money, but what you should be asking yourself is what do I have that will bring me money?, what talent do I have that will attract money to me, or what skill do I have that I can offer to the world that will make me money.
Does God does throw money on people’s beds? No am sorry that is not how things work my friend. If things work exactly like that, every one of us would have been a millionaire by now. None of us would have been working 9 – 6 under that threatening boss who doesn’t respect his employees. No one wants to be a slave forever in life.
So the whole point is, you don’t need money now, but rather, you need a high-income skill that will put money in your pocket. There are thousands of high-income skills that can make you rich. Your goal is to outsource and go for one or two. For skills, I can’t decide for you because everyone has his field of interest. But if you want to go with my way and be earning as I do, then learn below money-making skills. (The most money-making skill on how to get rich with no money or education)
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- Copy-writing
There are thousands of companies who don’t know of this skill. A lot of peoples are suffering in the marketing world because they thought marketing is just about going out and be saying or sending buck email messages of whatever bullshit you want to say to customers. No, that is not how marketing really is. Copy-writing is a way of using your own words to persuade customers to buy your goods, or to use words to convincing peoples to buy from you. Let say, you are offering a new product for sale, nobody knows that your product exists. What are you going to do? Maybe because you have thousands of customers’ emails, you will send out email to all of them about your products. But what if no one clicks on it? It probably because you are not sending out words that will persuade them. That is where copy-writing comes in. As a copy-writer, your task is to convince customers to buy a product with words.
Just imagine helping a company who only makes sales of only 10% of its products to increase its sales to 40%. How much do you think this company is going to pay you? A lot why, because you have helped them to maximize their sales. The company production rate will increase and the more they sell, the more you will be paid.
And remember as a copy-writer you don’t need to be employed by a company before you can start making money? You can decide to be an affiliate marketer and be convincing others to buy through your affiliate link for a commission. You can also set up your own product and offer its sale. I see copywriting as the easiest skill to build wealth in life. So go for such a skill and start making money with it. If you don’t know of where to learn copy-writing just give me a comment below and I will give you a step by step secret, you do need to know.
- Graphic Designing
See, there are thousands of graphic designers out there, but do you think all of them are making money? No, because most of them are not creative or they call themselves designers but they have no idea of making money with such skill. But trust me, graphic designers are making big money today. There are thousands of companies that are always marketing their product with flyers, banners, and posters. Do you think they create these designs themselves? No, it is done by graphic designers. And you will be surprised if I tell you how much I make with this skill with five companies am working for.
If you have such a skill, you don’t need to be working for companies before you can start making money with it. You can sell most of your designs on many platforms like shutter stock and Freepik. With these platforms, whenever someone downloads or buys your design, you get paid for it.
There comes, the most awaiting secret on how to get rich with no money or education. I can’t wait to show you…
3. Learn about money
There are a lot of peoples who dream of becoming rich overnight, but that is not how things exactly work. Before you can make real money in life, you do need to understand how you can attract one. But you having no knowledge of how money works and how to manage it, how are you going to use it in life. So you see, you do need to learn about money before you can have it work for you. Financial education is something that is not being thought in school alone, is true financial education is thought in school, but I tell you, all that they focus on is accounting, accounting. They don’t go much detail on how to have money work for you. You don’t need to be thought about finance in school before you can manage your money well.
There are thousands of personal finance books out there you can go for and study it yourself. I actually recommend starting with (Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyoaki) and (Think and Grow Rich by Neoplan Hill) When you understand how money works, you will then know how actually money comes in and flees out. Those who have no idea of how money works, they manage their money anyhow. They buy things which later end up being liabilities on them. They say “Knowledge is power” yes knowledge is power when you make use of it. Knowledge that is not implemented is not power. So you do need knowledge about finance and take actions on it to become rich.
We are getting to the final part on how to get rich with no money or education.
But there is one “Powerful” secret of becoming rich I want to show you…
4. Get rich by living on a budget
I remember in my 20s, I was living my life anyhow. I had no idea of how money works, yet I was earning relatively good amount with my job. I can tell you that during my 20s was the time I was mostly paid. But because I didn’t know how to manage my money, I spent it anyhow on things I needed not to. If I knew how money works actually by then, I would have been a millionaire by now. Because I was stupid, I couldn’t make good use of it, I was going to parties and buying fancy cars that became a burden on me.
If you live on a budget, every dollar you spent, you will think of it and get to know if such money is being taken out of your pocket or coming in. You will also know how to live on less than you make and how to cut out unnecessary expenses. Because in life, any man who spends more than what he makes, is sowing a poverty seed for his future. But things shouldn’t be this way, who wants to live a life that he will later regret?
Almost all rich peoples live on a budget. That is why they don’t spend anyhow. Any dollar that moves out of their pocket is being budgeted on. They are very wise in ways of handling money. They make sure to spend according to what is on their budget. So if you really want to become rich in life, then you do need to start living on a budget from now.
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Okay, below is the top secret on how to get rich with no money or education. You do need to write this down…
5. Invest your money to become rich
How to get rich with no money or education by investing? Most peoples have the idea of; if you have thousands of money in your bank account then you are the richest person in the world. But I tell you, no. If you save money at the banks, it loses its value. Yes, it losses value because banks will deduct some expenses out of it. You do need to invest rather. Investing attract more money than saving. When you learn to invest, it really a great starting point. Just imagine how early Warren Buffet started investing because he came from a wealthy family. He was thought how to manage and to live on less than he spent it. This knowledge let him master the skill of handling money. His knowledge of investing has made him counted among millionaires today.
You don’t need to be working 9- 6 to be focusing on active income, no. Sometimes you need to build passive income. Passive income is money that you earn without you physically working for it or money that you work on it for a specific time and watch the earrings roll in. Investment is one form of it.
6. Make $100 Daily Pinterest
Do you have an online store? Physical store? or a blog? or any online business? If you have been depending on Google search only for traffic? Then you are leaving money on the table, Pinterest is a great market place to drive tons of traffic to your online business to increase your daily sales.
According to Forbes, pinterest is the best source 95% of online stores generate their highest sales from. So what are you waiting for? If you have not heard of it before, you have now.
But there is a hack to pinterest marketing and SEO. When I started using pinterest I was pinning 10 pins almost every single day. But I was getting no traffic simply because I was doing things wrongly. Now am getting over 300 daily visitors from pinterest alone after I used the tips in this Man’s book – “10* Secrets To Boost Pinterest Traffic In Just 5 Days” He has revealed all the hacks to pinterest SEO in his book in an easy way.

Hi book is the main reason why I got approved by Mediavine in my food recipe blog and it is one of the best self-investment I have ever made. Use his hacks to drive tons of traffic to your blog or online store to increase your daily sales.
So take action on all the secrets I have shown you above on, ways to become rich with no education or knowledge. If you have any contribution or suggestion, please comment below, we are willing to learn from you too.
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