Blogging is an awesome activity and the types of blogs that make money are exactly what am going to show you. Owning a blog gives you the opportunity to share your ideas with the whole world over the internet. And the opportunities from blogging are endless, it helps you to improve your personal life and it also serves as a second source of income.
So in this post what am going to let you on is very educative. I will show you how to monetize a blog and give you some examples of the best money-making blogs. I will also show you all the hacks you need to become a successful blogger.
I will give you all these tips for free and that’s because I know you are so curious about starting your own blog. There is a lot to learn though, but you don’t have to worry “practice makes a man perfect.”
Just imagine you can make $9900+ monthly from your blog, how happy will your life be? You will buy your dream car, house, and the fancy cloth you have been dreaming about.
But now, here you are without any of these…
But it doesn’t have to be like that, the secret of making more money blogging is exactly what am going to show you. Before I show you how to make your first $990+ from your blog, let first look at…
Table of Contents
How do bloggers make money?

Just like any ordinary job, blogging is also a job with so many opportunities. One big advantage of owning a blog is that it gives you the opportunity to work on your own without being under a boss. If this is your first time hearing this, you are probably saying “wow, how is that possible, please show me I want to start my own blog.”
The types of blogs that make money in 2021 are so many. But how do they actually make money from their blogs?
Blog monetization is the key to make millions of money every month.
Blogging wasn’t as popular in the past as it is now. And that’s because it was very difficult to make money with a blog in the past 30 years. Things have changed now, Michele Gardener makes over $9990+ monthly from her blog. She is not the only one, a lot of bloggers have so many ways of increasing their blog income including:
- Affiliate marketing – This is where you have to promote other people’s products to your audience. The key here is not to sell your own product and take care of shipping, all you have to do is to register with most affiliate companies like Amazon. Then promote their products and earn some percentage of commission on every sale generated by your blog.
According to Forbes in 2015, affiliate marketing was the top monetization for bloggers.
It really easy to get started with this approach, if you have a tech blog then consider joining template monster affiliate network. It so far the best company that almost 80% of tech bloggers promote its products.
- EBooks – This is opposite to affiliate marketing, there are a lot of bloggers who don’t like promoting other people’s products. They have full control of their blog earnings because when a sale is made, they don’t divide it with anyone.
They sell their own EBooks with PayPal or a visa payment gateway implemented on the blog. There is a lot you can earn from this but to succeed in this area, you need to be trusted. And the reason is that no one will purchase a Book from an unknown person who claims to be a guru about a certain subject.
- Advertising (Google AdSense) – you have seen so many different kinds of ads over the internet and Television. They can be annoying sometimes but do you know that is one of the best sources of income for online entrepreneurs? This is not only related to bloggers, everybody uses ads including Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.
Bloggers are well known for this monetization approach, and the key is simple. Advertising networks like Mediavine and Google AdSense will pay you a commission to display ads on your blog. This commission is either based on cost per click CPC or cost per impression CPM (I will show you the difference later)
- Digital Course – Have you purchased any digital courses over the internet before? If yes, then you already know of the hack in this approach. If you are an experienced blogger and you know other technical skills, you can sell them to your blog audience. We are in a digital world and everyone wants to learn something about technology, so guess how much you can make from this? This is a very good source of income for bloggers but it works best with a blog with a huge audience.
I hope this give you an overview of how bloggers make money?
Keep in mind that all these above methods will not work for you if you don’t provide valuable content to your audience. If your blog does not provide any sense of value to your daily visitors, no one will ever come back. And that will be your downfall, don’t be so conscious about the money.
Think of your audience and make sure every piece of blog post you write will help them to achieve or learn something new. For example, imagine a school with drunk teachers, will you be happy to enroll in such a school?
You will surely not because these teachers aren’t going to be teaching you anything educative.
So the first rule in blogging is that “always provide a valuable content to your audience.”
Want To Know The Blog Types That Make The Most Money?
If you are getting ready to start your own blog, you are probably confused about what type of blog to create. You are wondering whether you will succeed in this blogging for money world or not. If these are all the thought that is pondering in your head, then I have got you covered.
Am going to show you the top 10 blog niches that make the most money. I will also reveal all the mistakes that I did earlier on which was causing my downfall to you. You know what? I want the best for you so I will also show you all the secret formulas to boost your blog earnings with an example.
It sounds awesome right?
Pay very close attention, your success depends on all the hacks am going to show you…
11 Types of Blogs that Make Money

In the below list of guides, you will find the most popular blog niches and owners who are making the highest money from their blog. The guide below is for educational purpose only, please learn something from it and implement it to increase your blog earnings.
Because as the saying goes “Success is nothing but doing exactly what other successful people have done.” So it doesn’t matter what type of niche you blog about, you will surely find the below guides useful.
1. Sports
Sport blogs are one of the highest growing niches, and the reason is that so many peoples are into sport games. We all love sport and if you have passion for writing and sport as well, then consider starting one.
You don’t necessarily need to be a guru in sport, and you also don’t need to know all the players in a particular team to get started. You can begin with whatever sports news you have heard recently. You can also simply give an insight into a recent match you just watched, odds are that others couldn’t watch it and they will surely search for the scores.
The highest earning sport blog
- Yahoo sports – I know exactly what you are thinking. But yahoo is a very big company, why do you have to classify it as an ordinary blog? Well, it indeed a company but you have no idea how it was started. It was started as an ordinary blog by one team member who was so much into sports. Then eventually with the support of other team members, it has been able to get to where it is now. Check also How to Get Rich with No Money or Education: (Top Guide)
Currently, it’s one of the highest-earning sports blogs. They don’t reveal how much the company earns though but we all know that no other sports blog earns more than it. They write about all the top sports and especially trending sports news. If a particular sports news will go viral over the internet, you don’t need to be told what blog is behind it.
- The Athletic – The second highest-earning blog followed by Yahoo sports. This blog has over million blog post that covers almost everything about sports. They publish at least 5 articles a day. They earn through article requests, they don’t earn from affiliate marketing or Google AdSense.
Most sports companies contact them direct to write for them, and that’s exactly the main reason why they earn more. Imagine being requested by Barcelona or Chelsea football club to write an article for them, how much do you think they will pay you?
Sports blogs are indeed the best way to make money. It exactly the niche that I will get into if am to start a blog today. One reason why bloggers of this niche-earn more money is because of sports betting. These companies pay very high money to their advertisers and this does increase bloggers of this niche cost per click or cost per impression.
2. Food Blog
There are a lot of foodies everywhere in the world. We all love to eat and food is one of the essential things we need to survive. Have you ever seen a man who hasn’t eaten for 60 days and still living?
One thing I love about food blogs is that it follows a very great other of recipe categories. Most food bloggers also have YouTube channels that teach a step-by-step guide of how a particular food is prepared. It also gives you the opportunity to share with the world your favorite food and how it’s prepared.
I personally love food a lot and as Thomas Shelby said “I am a man who drinks tea.” No, the second statement does not reflect on me, it you rather because I love coffee.
Highest earning food blog
- Minimalist Baker – Just look at the title of the blog, doesn’t that make you feel hungry? If you love cooking, then there is no doubt that you have come across this blog before. If you are a single boy or girl, make that source your kitchen they have all the receipts that will teach you how to cook like a pro.
They earn through affiliate marketing and advertising. The ads on the blog are not Google AdSense ads, it Mediavine ads which is one of the highest-earning cost-per-impression advertising networks.
If you are a chef yourself or simply love writing about food, then this niche could be a great source of income for you. You can use this free 30% blue host discount to set up a WordPress blog with 1-year free domain name.
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3. Travel Blog
If you love traveling to different places, then I strongly recommend that you set up your own blog even if you have not made up your mind. But you surely need to invest in a good camera before you get started with this niche.
Showing the world what you have experience in some country or city is one of the best gift you would ever give.
Why am I saying this is a gift? If you are planning to go on a tour, there is no doubt that you will first make research about where you will be going. And stumbling on someone else experience about the same location will give you a clear idea of the people and the things you are going to see. This can also save you a lot of money, and it will also help you to learn from other people’s experiences.
Travel blogs are awesome to have, you can easily build thousands of followers easily compared to a food or health blog. These kinds of blogs cover a variety of topics including:
- Things to do and not do when traveling
- Jobs or remote works travelers can do
- Best places to go on a tour
What is the most money making travel blog?
- Kara and Nate – This travel blog make $40,000+ every blessed month. Just click on their link after reading this post and you will see the main reason why I said you need a good camera to get into this niche. Traveling blog is really awesome and there is a lot of money you can make from it if you are dedicated enough.
You just have to be extra careful, telling the world where you would be going next week can be a threat to your life. So my advice is that you should only let others know about a place you have already visited. Don’t tell them where you will be going tomorrow or the day after.
- Adventure In You – These couple makes over $19,000+ every month just traveling the world and sharing their ideas. How awesome is that? Tom and Anna have been traveling all over the world in the last four years in search of the best adventure.
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4. Fashion Blog
Fashion blogs are everywhere not just over the internet, you are wearing a very nice garment and that makes you an offline fashion blogger. Just don’t mind me am a little funny, I have not taken my drug that’s why.
I consider this one of the easiest content ideas to write about. How is that easy? Got a fashion blog post idea? Great, just look at the next guy over there and write about how his dress looks. Tell me, will that not be a great article?
Bloggers of this niche write about everything we wear. Most of them are fashion designers themselves and they show a complete guide of how a particular dress can be sewed. If you want an idea of the best bag or dress to buy, then you surely need to follow one fashion blogger.
The beauty industry is one of the sectors that never lack growth. We are so curios about our needs for fancy garments and this increases the growth of the beauty industry. This should give you a clear idea that if you set up a fashion blog, you will never fade out.
There are so many niches like sport and occasional blogs that dies after a particular event have been completed. Take a blogger that writes only about champion’s league matches, what will he or she blog about when the league is over? He will have to wait for the next league and this can have a big impact on his earnings.
But unlike a fashion blog, it never fades out in the system. So one piece of advice you should take from this is to focus on a niche that never fades out after some occasion or event is done.
The top earning fashion blog that makes the most money in 2021
- The Full-Time Blog – This is a men-style blog owns by The Modest Man, it makes $7,900+ every month. The site is primarily monetized through affiliate links, sponsorship posts,s, and advertisements. It one of the popular fashion blogs with many social media followers.
- The Chic Pursuit – This is one of the top blogs with many search engine traffic. I just made a research and they get a monthly visit of 560000 with a monthly net worth of $4,200+. Wow, this is unbelievable, it possible and you can do it yourself.
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5. Gaming Blog
Have you been on the couch playing video games a whole night before? If yes, then there is no doubt that you love video games. But do you know whiles you play if for fun it a second source of income for others?
I have personally made a fortune in video games before but it’s not as you think, I wasn’t writing about games. I sold my first video game during college two months after I was introduced to unity. (Unity has nothing to do with the hacks am trying to show you here, it just a graphical engine for developing different king of computer games.)
Gaming blogs are really easy to manage and you will always find something new to write about. There are a lot of games over the internet and if you know how to play one, just set up a blog and write a step by step guide about it. Chances are there are some dudes out there who are new to the same game. Not only that you can also write a review of some popular games you know.
I really enjoy playing video games especially PES 2010. I know that’s kind of an old game, but do I care? No, I still play it even though we are in 2021. And do you know the funny thing? Am still not good at it and sometimes I end up searching over the web for guides like “how to kick a straight free kick in PES 2010?”
That’s all that gaming bloggers do to cash in every month. And once you set up a gaming blog with few social media followers, game developers will be contacting you personally to advertise their games on your blog for a fee. Its something that I do, I have reached out to a lot of advertisers to sell my gaming software’s on a commission.
If you hate writing, you can start a gaming channel on YouTube. And in case you don’t know, the highest-earning YouTuber in 2019 was a guy with a gaming channel called “pewdiepie”.
What is the highest earning gaming blog?
- On Winning Is a highly growing gaming blog with huge search engine traffic. This blog make money in so many ways including, advertisement and affiliate marketing. The design of the site is well structured and if you are planning of starting your own gaming blog, then that should give you an example of how you should structure the layout of your blog.
- PewdiePie – this though isn’t an article or text based blog, it a YouTube gaming channel. It one of the highest earning gaming channel and am sure you have heard of this guy already.
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6. Fitness And Health Blog
We all care about our health, others want to have a square and muscular shape. But why don’t all those who want to stay fit doesn’t visit gym centers? The key is that you can read blog post online about a particular muscular exercise and practice it in the comfort of your house.
This saves people time and money, and that’s because you need to pay a certain amount of money in whatever gym center you want to exercise your body. This is where health and fitness blogs comes in the game to make difference.
If you love writing about health and fitness, then this is a great opportunity for you. As the saying goes “the right time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. But currently, the right time is now.” There are so many health blogs you can learn from and start making money.
Health and fitness bloggers write about stuffs like:
- How to look young forever
- Foods that increases and decreases weight
- Best abdomen exercise for men and women
- Nutrition
- Eating healthy food all the time
- Physical and mental health
Health and fitness bloggers monetize their blogs through health coaching, affiliate links, and online courses. There is a lot of money in this niche because it contains the most searched keywords. But before you get into this niche, you have to make sure you have some medical background. Your blog visitors will apply whatever information you will provide them. And you don’t have to give them inaccurate information that will put their health in danger.
The most money making health and fitness blog
Born-Fitness is the highest-earning health and fitness blog with over 67000 monthly search engine traffic. It one of the best sources to find answers to health and exercise queries.
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7. Personal Finance Blog
The types of blogs that make money in 2021 are personal finance blogs. There are a lot of blogs of this niche on the web and all of them are making a decent amount of money per month. Not everyone is financially illiterate, and due to that, most people learn online from financial advisers.

All personal financial bloggers have some basic experience in money management. And that helps them to build trust with their daily visitors based on the good information they provide.
There are a lot of things bloggers of this niche write about including:
- How to become financially independence
- How to make money blogging
- How to manage your money
- Saving tips for beginners
- How to make money online blogging for beginners
- Best Investment opportunities
- How to pay off debt
- How to get rich with no money or education
- How to become a millionaire overnight
Personal finance bloggers monetize their blogs through affiliate links, advertisement, selling of online courses, digital products and direct mentorship.
If you have a business or background in finance, you can easily set up a blog and make money by sharing what you have learnt. You don’t necessary need to be a financial guru or have a degree in accounting to get started. No, you can easily share your ideas about how you make and manage your money but make sure it a useful content.
I didn’t set up this blog success is money with the aim of making money but to share what I have learned about money. Although I have some background in finance but that doesn’t mean all personal finance bloggers do.
The most earning personal finance blog
- Making Sense of Cents – Michele Gardener is the owner of this blog and she has made a lot of fortune blogging from home. She is one of the well-known women in this blogging niche and her blog has over 99950+ monthly search engine traffic with a net wealth of $99760+ per month. She said most of her earnings come from affiliate marketing, online courses, and advertisement.
- Good financial cents – Jeff Rose has been trending online with his blog and podcast over the past 7 years. He is also one of the well-known personal finance advisors with a monthly net wealth of $89760+ and 345000+ monthly search engine traffic.
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8. Pets Blog
Pet blogs are easy to manage and there will be something to write about all the time. Top bloggers of this niche are pet trainers themselves and they educate their audience about how to keep their dogs busy or bored.
I consider this niche to be the types of blogs that make money in 2020. We are all obsessed with our pets and due to this reason, we end up looking for ways to train our pets and to keep them healthy. That is why pet blogs are considered to be among one of the highest growing niches to make money in 2021.
These types of blogs are monetized through affiliate links, selling of pet products, online courses and advertisement.
I said in the beginning that most bloggers of this niche are professional pet trainers. However, you don’t necessarily need to be a guru in training dogs or cats. If you love pets and you have one, you can simply write about your pet reaction and how you respond to it. This will educate your audience on what to do if their pet repeats the same reaction.
You can make a lot of money blogging in this niche if you provide a valuable content to your visitors.
Examples of highest earning pet blogs
Puppy leaks pet blog – This is one of the highest money-making blogs in this niche. The content on the site is mainly focused on dogs and it helps its audience to find useful hacks that will help to keep their dogs healthy and well trained.
Oh, my dog blog – The owner of this pet blog just loves dogs, the contents on the site contain reviews of different types of dogs and it can be fun to read. It indeed the last stop source to find all dogs related information. It a very simple blog that is monetized through affiliate links and digital products.
9. Personal Development Blog
These are types of blogs that help its audience to make good improvement in lives. It mainly includes educative content about building a new habit and quitting old habits. As the saying goes “habits are easy to form but hard to leave behind.” Personal development blogs are very helpful and it helps to cut down the cost of buying expensive self-improvement books.
Most bloggers who write in this niche started with the aim of building new habits or quitting old ones. They write about their constant progress on a particular subject and how it can help others to make difference in life. It requires great self-discipline to stick with this type of niche and the reason is that you will always write about things you have already experienced.
This niche has the greatest monetization advantage when it comes to selling digital products or EBooks. We all want to quit some bad habits, therefore we will surely purchase an EBook of someone experienced in quitting that same habit. So you don’t have to argue with anyone who tells you that personal development products are easy to sell.
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10. Parenting Blog
These types of blogging niches are mainly managed by mums with one or two children. They educate new mums or ladies who are getting ready for their first child on how to raise and care for babies.
It is really easy to build an audience for this type of blog because there are thousands of ladies out there without any experience in nurturing a child. So placing yourself as an experienced mum in this niche is a great opportunity to make money blogging from home. It will also help you to improve in your experience and be a good mother.
I don’t recommend this niche for people who has no experience in how to care for kids.
11. Search Engine blog
If you are reading this blog post, it surely means you find it on search engines like Google or Bing. But the sad news is that this is not an SEO blog. Then how come it appears on search engines? That’s something that I will talk about next time, but let focus on search engine blogs.
Search engine blogs covers content like:
- How to optimize your article headings for maximum traffic
- How to build backlinks
- How to conduct a site audit
- Best on-page and off-page SEO practices
This is a very great niche because every online business needs traffic to survive. And search engines are the best sources to get thousands of monthly visitors.
So search engine bloggers are SEO specialists who educate other webmasters on how to generate search engine traffic to their online business. They make money through affiliate marketing and selling online courses.
Therefore if you have an experience in SEO, then you can make a decent amount of money by sharing your ideas through your blog.
Blog topics that make the most money?
There are so many blog topics that make the most money, but how much they earn mostly depends on the monetization approach of the blog. Blogs that are monetized through advertisement networks like Google AdSense and Mediavine earns a lot in these high CPC OR CPM topics:
- Finance or money related contents
- Marketing and business-related articles
- Step by step tutorial guides
How Do Beginner Blogs Make Money?
If you are getting ready to start your own blog, you have surely asked yourself several times how you will make money. The truth is that you can make a lot of money from a blog but if you are not able to then it becomes a debt on you.
How can a blog become a debt?
Well, once your blog is set up, you will surely pay a yearly domain and hosting charges to keep your blog running. So if your blog is not making enough to cover these charges then it surely means you have to cover these charges with your hard earned money.
Don’t let that scare you off, this is how new blogs make money:
- Affiliate marketing is one type of blog monetization approach where bloggers advertise other people’s products for a commission. The hack here is simple, instead of selling your own products, you rather advertise other peoples products in your blog and allow them to take care of the shipping.
- Advertisement – there are so many advertisement networks like Google AdSense that help bloggers to make money through their blogs. The earnings from this monetization approach can’t be constant but however it mainly depends on the daily traffic of the blog.
- Selling of Online courses through blogs – We are now in a digital world and almost all the bloggers out there have some technical skills they can teach others. This is one of the best monetization methods that bring in more money every month. However bloggers put in a lot of work to build a great trust with their audience before they can generate constant earnings with this approach.
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How to pick the best blogging niche?
So what blogging niche should I choose?
There are so many blogs topics out there to write about and I always tell people to focus on a niche they have passion in. And the reason is that blogging is hard and it requires a lot of work, so if you don’t write about something you love, you will give up easily.
A lot of peoples have given up on their blog not because they hate writing, they just don’t like what they write about. But I want the best for you and I don’t want you to end up like them. So focus on a niche you already have experienced about or interest in. If you are SEO specialists who hate pets, you can set-up an SEO blog and forget about pet or mums blog.
Don’t let the types of blogs that make money fool you, just focus on a niche you love writing about.
Blogging Tutorials Conclusion – 10 Types of Blogs that Make Money
I hope you have seen the best types of blogs that make the most money?
In short, all am saying is that you can make a decent amount of money blogging. Although your blog earnings may not cover all your monthly expenses but at least it can help to cut down some of your debt. It all about daily small consistency and the effort you will put in, if you are dedicated enough your blog can help you to quit your 9 to 5 job.
Let me know what you think about this blogging tutorials in the comment section below.
Now that you have seen how to make money blogging from home, check also these 10 easy ways to make money online without paying anything.