
Success Is A State Of Mind: 7 Wealthy Lessons

success is a state of mind

Success is a state of mind, 7 wealthy lessons you must know in life to become successful. Do you know what is so amazing about being successful in life? Imagine you could make $2000,000 daily. How good would your life be? You could establish a new business, hire other employees, and let them manage the business. Then sit back relax and watch the money roll in. It feels good, right? But right now, here you are sat in front of your laptop, reading this article wishing that was your life.

You’ve tried all of the courses. You’ve listened to all of the webinars. And you’ve poured your heart and soul into finding your passion.

And while it feels like everybody else is successful in life. You’re struggling to put food in your belly.

But, it doesn’t have to be this way.

There is a way you can start becoming successful in life. And you’ve been sitting on top of it all along. It doesn’t cost you any money, and you’ll find the answers for free right here in this article.

All you have to do to get it is scroll down…

When I was in my 20’s I blamed my parent and even God, for putting me into that poor family. Whiles all my friends from rich families seem to be enjoying life, there was always a frown in my face. Not because I was fighting with someone in the neighborhood but the reality is, I was jealous of their wealth. “How can a single me wear the torn clothes all the time” whiles my friends wear the nicest garment and drive the latest cars all day. I blamed my parent for a very long time but you know what? I was totally wrong. I didn’t know success is a state of mind and one born poor could become rich.

But one day, a community priest made it clear to me on one of his podcasts I listened. He thought me a lot of lessons I never heard it before. Success is a state of mind and you must go for it yourself. I remember that was exactly the heading of his podcast and what my ears were waiting for.  One powerful quote I learned from him was “to be or not to be, you are the only one to choose it. Don’t let them change you or rearrange you” Then I learned that I need not to blame my parent or God anymore. Because to be rich or poor I have to choose it for myself, not my parent.

But yet, it all starts with a state of mind. That was his last sentence he said. To become wealthy or successful in life is all about your state of mind. Why is this so? The answer is right below here; you just need to scroll down to see it…

Why is Success a state of mind?

Why do you think success is a state of mind? Imagine you are traveling to the next city, but you have no money for transportation. Will you go or quit? If you know how wealthy this journey will be to you in your mind.  You will do all your possible best to reach there. If you do need to walk, you might walk. If you must go for a loan for transportation, you may do so. But if you don’t know how wealthy this journey could be to you, you may decide to quit because you have no money.

The same is true with being successful in life. Is all about you. Over the past, I have told you that I was blaming my parent for my poverty. But what did I achieved in those days? Nothing, I was just blaming others for my own success. If I had not changed my mind, I would have still been in that same position, wearing torn clothes all the time.  But now I have seen a great difference in my life since I changed my thought. And I will not say am rich but actually am on the road to success.

So success indeed is a state of mind. It is a tough road, others may walk on it with you but remember they can’t predict your steps. You must know exactly where to move your steps to. Don’t be like me and build within you the negative concept about success I had in the past. I thought one so poor will never be rich, that is the whole idea behind my blaming. But this is a false idea, remember what the man said “Success is a state of mind and you must go for it yourself” and “to be or not to be, you are the only one to choose it

So go for it yourself. Your success is a state of mind, not anyone else mind but your own mind.

I learned a lot of lessons about success in the man’s podcast. Most of it is a real-life lesson that we must know. No need to call me on the phone for it, just scroll down and you will see it…

7 wealthy lessons you must learn when you know, success is a state of mind

1. Never expect anything from anyone

Have someone promised to buy you a birthday gift and failed to fulfill it before? Have you ever look forward for someone to buy you a car whiles you could have bought it yourself before? Disappointment in life is not an issue, but a word that cannot be removed from the mouth of those who promise a lot. It feels very bad when someone promise to buy you something and fail to. It hurts a lot right? Wrong.

It hurt  because you allowed it to. If you would have realized, success is just a state of mind and every bit of your life is in your own hands. You would have taken full responsibility of it, instead of looking forward for others to make things happened for you.  When you take full responsibility of your life, you will never expect anything from anyone. Even if someone promise you something, you will feel that you are the right person to provide such needs for yourself. This way you will never be hurt or feel unhappy if he or she fails to fulfill his promise.

So never expect anything from anyone. Your success and daily needs are your own responsibilities. Don’t look forward to anyone to make it happen for you. When I was young my uncle used to buy me bottle of coke every charisma’s. But over the past, does he still buy it? No, and do I feel hurt? No, this is because I have realized my life is in my own hand and I must be the one to provide for my own needs. But what of the past? When he couldn’t buy, I would cry after him, holding his cloth and be shouting loud after him “I want coke, I want coke” (That is nonsense).

Take full responsibility of your life, and never expect anything from anyone. People promise and fail, leaving you hurtful and unhappy. But remember, if you allow them to hurt you, is not their fault but you.

2. Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution

Friends are wealth having but make sure you choose your companions well. That was exactly what the priest said in the middle of the podcast. But what role does my friends needs to play in my life? You may ask or you could say. Waite a minute! You say. I came here to learn about success is a state of mind, because I heard it could help me to become successful in life. And you’re telling me to ignore all my friends?

Not at all! Am not saying you should ignore them. But rather, choosing your friends wisely will help you in so many ways on your journey to success. Because we were all born into different families of different religion or tribe. We can’t assume to have the same mindset. Twins born in the same day do not even have the same mind. There are other peoples in life that look at the negative aspect of everything they see or hears.  For them, when something could go right, immediately you discussed it with them, they will analyze the bad side of it and kill your courage to do such a thing.

Choosing such peoples as your friends or business partner doesn’t seem right. No matter how good your ideas may seem, they will turn it down with their thought for you. Imagine driving a car with a guy who knows nothing about driving. Looking at the next curve ahead of you, he says “stop, if you don’t an accident will happen”. What accident?  That is a sharp curve and I heard in the news it has killed almost 30 peoples. Please let look for an experience driver who has crossed it before to drive us. He says all this to you and because you are too afraid to lose your life, you may believe him to delay your time to stop and look for another driver.

So stay away from negative peoples, they have problem for every solution. Instead associate with the ones that will motivate and push you forward to do more.

3. If light is in your heart, you will find your way home

When I heard this from the man, I thought he mean. When it is night time and you are going back home and there is light on the road, you will find your way easily. I was wrong, that is not the real meaning. It really mean, success is a state of mind and to achieve it, the light must shine brighter in your heart. What is this heart is he talking of? It is a positive mindset. To become successful in life, you don’t have to look at the negative side of everything. But rather the positive side, so he actually mean, if you have a positive heart, you will accomplish whatever you intend to do.

This is true because I have never seen a man, who has achieved something great by looking at the bad side of it. No, they visualize the outcome and the positive side of it. If they look at the negative side, they may lose courage to move on. This is why most of peoples fail in life. If you keep on looking at your poor background and thinks you can’t make it. You will never make it because mindset is everything. You can’t think about how to make a motor bike and invent a Laptop, no that is not how things work. That is why the saying goes “man is mind” you are indeed what you think of all the time.

So think of the positive side of why you must be successful and work towards it.

4. Your mind is everything, what you think you become

Bill Gate went into Harvard University and sat in a class with over 1000+ students. He stopped and never thought because he has stop he can’t make it in life. Today most of his friends that were able to graduate are working under him. What is the difference here? Your mind is everything. He saw within him a great opportunity and decided to stop schooling and focus on it. He never thought of how he could survive if his plans fail. He looked at the positive side of it and kept working hard on his dream. And now here he is, the top richest man in the whole world (school dropout).

So what made him so rich? Is his mind, he thought of a great opportunity and became exactly what he thought of. You can also do the same, your mind is a great servant God has given you.  If you use it well and think of successful things all the time, you will be successful. But if you use it to chase wind, you will end up having nothing in life. You will be a disgrace to yourself and your family. So use your mind well, replace all negative thought with positive ones and think of why you must succeed, the how will come when you find your why.

Your inner world will always be a reflection of your outer world. So if things are not going well with your outer world, stop blaming others. But rather pay attention to the things you think of most. Remember the law of cause and effect says “what you sow with your mind is exactly what you will reap with your life”

5. Don’t Quit

Hard work is the key to success but often, most of us loose hope when we don’t achieve the expected result. Maybe you are like me, whenever you start anything new, you can’t wait so long to see the result. This habit has caused me a lot in life in the past. It has made me put an end to most of my long term plans that could have worked. Because I was not seeing the expected result early I gave up. Yes I know is not only me who has faced this problem. This is common to all of us. Sometimes we put all our best in something, hoping we could achieve something great in it. But when the result seems to be delaying we end up quitting.

Success is a state of mind and therefore the ability to work hard lies within only you. Sometimes I do feel like quitting whenever am in a middle of an article. This is because I do think there is another day and I can rest now and do it later on. The next day will come and I will say the same thing. Procrastination is a poor habit that we all humans are fighting against. Because pain feels bad, whenever we are working and begins to feel it our mind will say to us “hey are you not feeling bad, this is hard stop it and do it another time”  

We will switch today and do the same the next day leaving the task unfulfilled for almost a month. If you have experience this before, don’t think you are the only one in this. We are all into it together, no man is free from it. But remember quitting is different from giving a break. Whiles quitting means putting a total end to something, giving a break means pausing a while and continue it later.

What I mean here is to tell you, not to quit working on your goals. Your goals are what will lead you to become that successful man or woman you dream of. So do you think such dream will come true if you decide to stop working on your goals? Not a good advice, So don’t give up on your dreams but rather work hard and you will make it. Remember, success is a state of mind not my mind but your own mind. No one is going to do it for you if you are not willing to do it yourself.

6. You have a daily income of 86400 seconds, so spend Wisely

We mostly hear of spending when people talks about money. But now we are not going to talk of money but “Time”. Within every 24 hours there is 86400 seconds. If you think this number is too long so you have enough time in each day. Then have a look at the clock on the wall and look at how fast the seconds is moving.  Do you think it will take three days to reach 86400? No, time is limited therefor you must use your time wisely. Being successful in life is nothing much more than our daily accomplishment in life. So if you are not achieving anything good daily, then remember you are trading your success for wind.

At first, I didn’t know the value of time until I had a change of character. I was using my time anyhow reading books, playing video games, and watching Netflix was my favorite thing as an introvert. I could use the whole day to read books and quarrel with myself about any stupid thing I may found. That was a source of knowledge for me. But my problem is I was not taking any action on any of the books I read. Making it an unproductive use of my time whiles I could have utilize it for something great. If  I wouldn’t have changed my character I would have been in the same position. But now I still read, but whatever book I pick to read I make sure am ready to apply what is in it. If am not going to apply it, I will not waste my time on it.

You can also learn from me or any other person who has told you something similar to mine. Time is a precious gift in life but if you don’t use it well you will later regret.

7. Work hard on your dreams

I was raised by a farming parent. Their main source of income comes when they sell the seed of their greens. Rising from bed at 5:00am was nothing but my daily routine. Working in the farm at don in the cold and hot in the sun was nothing to me but a normal lifestyle. I was train by my parent to work hard on everything I intend to do and I do thank them a lot. But what they didn’t teach me about work is to measure the outcome of it. Because of this I thought every work is a work and once you get your hands on it, you must finish it.

So I wasted my time on stupid works that has nothing to do with my goals. Instead of doing things that could ease my way of becoming successful in life, I was rather making it hard for myself. Just imagine me traveling all the way to the next city where my uncle lives. Just to assist him on his farm yard for 5 good years. I wasted my time with him thinking because of my hard work he could give me something to pay for my admission fees to college. (But nothing did he gave me after)

So what I mean here is, work hard on your dreams. Not any work but do things that will help you to achieve your goals. If something seems to be taking much of your time but has nothing to do with your dreams. Give that thing a little time and concentrate more on important task. Remember, success is a state of mind, do things that are related to what you have in your mind about your future.

Final thought on, success is a state of mind

You have seen that success is a state of mind. To be or not to be, no one can decide it for you but you yourself. So to become successful, you must choose it now and work towards it. But remember what I always say to you “Get the action habit” I always say this because I have been a victim of it over the past. I wasted my time reading books and taking no action on any of the knowledge I acquired.  Such habit is just a waste of time. If you let your leanings to be knowledge instead of putting them into actions, is useless. Remember if you have all the knowledge in this world and you don’t know how to use it, it is worthless. So apply every bit of knowledge you acquire here into actions and look forward for the outcome.

Check Also::: Reasons why money Is Not Everything In Life: 6 Lessons from (Bill Gate)

Comment bellow of any suggestion you may want to contribute or what you didn’t get it clear and I promise a quick reply.


About justice

A software engineer, graphic designer, web developer, copy writer, as well as a blogger
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