
12 Measure of Success Examples: In Business (Metrics)

measure of success examples

Measure of success examples in business business, project, or personal life. In every business operation or personal life, the need to measure growth is very essential. Every month business owner’s orders for a copy of the business financial statement. What do you think is their reason for doing so? Is because they want to see whether the business is doing well or bad compare to the past year’s achievement. Without them knowing their performance how are they going to maximize productivity and beat their competitors? And yes that is one way of how most business does overcome their competitors.

Some business owners even play a role as “spy customers of their competitors”. Let me explain what I mean by being a spy customer of your competitor. In the year 2000, I was working as a sales boy for a rubber production company. The company was doing well enough but despite the fact that it was doing well. There was one big company which was also producing rubbers competing with it. The other company was growing much ahead of the company that I was working for. They had a very large production room with huge customers and employees and besides that; the marketing department was full of well-experienced marketing personnel.

But that wasn’t the kind of employees my boss hard. So in order for us to overthrow this big competitor, we needed to find out what is keeping them ahead of us. In one of our year employee performance review. The manager suggested that one of us should be a spy customer of this our competitor and find out what keeps them growing all the time and bring out the details. So I was chosen as the one to do this task. It wasn’t   a big deal for me. Because all what I was to do was to buy from them and be asking them questions and also be attending their customers suggestion meetings.

So they gave me money to start buying rubbers that I don’t even need from them just to get information about them. In one customers meeting that the company organized I was present and yes I was the first on the first seat. Not did I wrote everything on paper but as the discussion was going on I was recording everything with my phone.  One big mistake that they did that helped us to beat them was them mentioning the kind of marketing strategy they us.

The next day I went to work and we played the recording. When we heard the kind of marketing strategy they have been using. Then we got to realize that it’s where we need improvement. So we copied their marketing strategy by putting measures in place to do even better than them. We employed many marketing personnel’s and besides, the strategy was working well because we saw high daily sales. 5 month later our marketing team suggested that we should establish an e-commerce site about our product because our competitors do not even have a business website or app.

We did that and behold that was the success of the business. By spying them and knowing where our competitor needs improvement. Instead of telling them to improve on that, because we want to beat them we rather improved on that. 3 years came and we were on top of the market share because most of the customers in the city were shopping online on our E-commerce platform.

So we began measuring the business success in various ways I have listed below and we noticed that we have done far well. So now here comes the question you need an answer for…

Why is it important to measure Success?

Do we really need to measure the success of our personal life, project, or our business? Well, I think the question answers itself. Do you think what was the main reason that we measured our success after we overthrew our competitor? It’s simple we wanted to find out how well the business has performed comparing it to the past years. And yes that is what every business does. They measure their performance monthly or yearly to check if they need improvement in a certain area or they should keep sticking with their current strategy. Without measuring your performance or success you may find it difficult to spot out how well your business is operating.

Important notice on measure of success examples…

Every person, business or team workers have their own strategy of measuring things. Others do it on monthly bases whiles others do it yearly. The range on which you measure your success is up to you personally or on your business’s own working plans. Most high companies have a separate department that does this weekly. So it really about how big your business is or the number of employees you have.

So, it really important to measure the success or your personal life or your business, so that you may know your performance for a particular year or month. With this, you may also be able to spot out where you do need to improve to beat your competitor.

So if you have seen the importance of measuring success then what are the various ways you can measure your personal, project or business success?

  The answer is right below here, all you need to see it is to scrow down…

Measure of Success Examples

So now, let look at some of the ways we can measure success of our personal life, project and business.

Measuring Success in Personal Life

1. Hitting Your Target Goals

Every individual has a daily goal that he or she is working on. Be it long term or short term goal every goal is a goal once you are working on it. Short term goals are fairly easy to measure because they have a short limit of achievement. The best way to measure your personal life success is to see how well you are doing on your goals over the past. Looking at the plans of your goals, how well have you worked on? Do you think you are near to the success of such a goal? or you have been lazy this year compared to last year?

If you are nearly to accomplish your goal then it might be a sign that you are doing fairly well, congratulations. But if it’s the opposite then you do need an improvement by working hard. Let me give you a measure of success examples…

Example of measuring personal Success by Hitting Your Target Goals

Just two months ago I was teaching my sister’s daughter handwriting. She had a very terrible writing and she needed to improve on it. My target was to teach her how to write nicely. So each evening before going to bed I thought her one or two things she needs to master. Sometimes I even hold her hands to write a few sentences. This continued over a month and finally for me to see how well she had improved. I told her to write some sentence herself. On finishing it I compared it with her past writing and found out that she had fairly improved.

Indeed there were some areas she needed to improve more on it because she was just messing up small letters with capital letters. But yet unlike the past, her writing seems to be very nice despite the fact that she didn’t knew when to use capital and small letter words.

So that is one way I was able to measure her success. I set a target for her to meet and measured it, later on, to see how nearly she is to achieve such a goal. You can also do the same to measure your personal life by conducting a survey of how best you have done over the past on your targeting goal.

Okay let move on to the next strategy for measuring success with example…

2. Job Title

What was your past position at your job? What of currently? It true that not all of us like working 9-5 for a company or for the government. But whether you like it or not that is part of life, without work there is no achievement. Either you work for your own company or for the governments every work be work, do the hustle. I personally hate working for others not because I hate socializing with peoples at the workplace, no. But I prefer to work for myself all the time. But your case might be different, you may prefer to work for others.

So how do you measure the success of your personal life by your job title? It simple looks at your current position and judge yourself over the past by comparing it to your current position. Do you see any difference? Or are you on the same position just as the past ten or twenty years? Oh no, you need to work hard to be promoted to the next level. But if you found yourself to be in a higher position than the past years, then congratulations you do deserve a cup of coffee. Should I bring it to your house or you will come for it? Comment below.

Example of Measuring Success by Job Title

Mr. Zack was working as an ordinary teacher in one growing school in my community. He is well known by the students as sir 5 lashes. Yes, I think you have witnessed such a teacher before in your schooling days? He is very disciplined and no matter what wrong you do, he will give you 5 lashes at your back. He doesn’t care whether you score 30% and the next guy 90% in the given exerciser. He will give all of you 5 lashes since you have both gotten wrong on some questions.

This motivated his class students to study more never to score even 99% but always 100%. Due to this, his students perform much better than any other class in the school. If you are the proprietor of the school and you need a replacement of headmaster whom will you choose? Him right? Yes, don’t be surprised if I tell you that he is currently the headmaster of the school.

So here we can measure the success of Mr. Zack by looking at his past position comparing it to currently. What result will you get in case you are doing it alone without me? he hasn’t done well right?

 Wrong result…

 He is more than successful in his current position. Because for students, the only top person they know in the school is the headmaster. Yes, they respect the headmaster than the owner of the school, even more than the president of the country.  I am saying this base on my hierarchy of respect during my schooling days, yours might be different but I know on average 70% of the students are on my side. So who loses you right? Yes, because you got only 30% don’t be shy say it loud to yourself.

3. Your Current Wealth

Okay, here we come money, money, money eh. Have you eaten today? If no why? Don’t you have any money for food? Oh, am so sorry but don’t worry things will be okay just keep working hard. Remember what Bob Marley said “Don’t worry about the things, because one day every little thing is gonna be alright” Yes just keep calm and work on your goals okay. I was in such situation earlier on over the past 20 years but now what do I do?.  Not in such position anymore right? Is due to hard work that is why I keep telling you to focus, focus on things that matter the most, things that will make you rich in the future.

While most of my friends were moving out chasing girls I was busily working, sometimes sleepless nights. So suffering is part of life, if it was to be easy all of us would have been rich. I was a totally poor guy you know my story already. But now who am I, Rich man, right? Yes, so all the guidance and helpful tips that I have been giving you, I know how it is, I have experienced it before, I know how it is to live with a starving stomach for one whole week in college.

Alright let get to how we can measure our personal success base on our wealth. Your current wealth is a great way you can measure your success in life. By comparing your past year’s bank account balance and the amount of investment you made. You will be able to know whether your finance is growing or not. In this case, if your past incoming financial details are higher than your current finance then it means you do need improvement.

But if it is in the other way round then you are growing very well in terms of finance. The rate at which your finance may be growing can only be determined by the range of your finance.

4. Acquired Knowledge and Skills

Before we dig in furthers ask yourself this. What skills do I have now that I wasn’t having in the past 5 years? How many skills did you got, 1 or more? Great, it’s a sign of improvement in your personal life. Not all peoples are able to learn new skills or acquire knowledge quickly than you may think. But in all each and every individual has a certain skill that he wishes to have.

Did you noticed in the news that Bank of U.S.A had recruited fresh employees? Hurley those new employees had made it through. But ask yourself what skilled were they employed on? Do you think those employees were having such skills from their childhood? No, they made an effort to master such skills and now they’re in the position they did dream of earlier on.

So how can we measure our success base on our current knowledge or skill?

Well it simple, Pick a pen and sheet of paper and let do this together. List the number of skills you have now which you were not having in the past 5 or 10 years. What difference did you see? Did you get zero? I hope you didn’t right? So those skills on your sheet is a sign of personal improvement. See it this way, why is it that you were not having such skill in the past? Because you lack knowledge or finance to peruse such skill or maybe it could be a personal health problem. But now you have made it no matter the challenge you were facing. So don’t you think you deserve to be rewarded? Congratulations I have a cup of coffee for you.

Let look at an…

Example of measuring personal success base on your current skills or Knowledge

Five years ago, John was a very bad at drawing. He loves drawing very much but he cannot even hold a pencil and draw a circle (Wow, how bad is it). So knowing this he made his mind to take an art class in a nearby school.  He was admitted and for one whole year and he was still not able to draw a circle. The teachers said this guy is not ready he do need to choose a different career. This rumor got to John’s ear and he made his mind to prove them wrong. John started his personal learning of drawing techniques together with what he was being thought in school.

 He began drawing sketch of cars and showed it to his friends. In fact he was doing very well than most of his mate that the teachers thought their better than him. Final year drawing exams came and John took the first position. The teachers were very surprised because they never dream that John cold draw well like that.

So now if we are measuring John’s success, we will surly say he has improved by comparing his current skill to the past.

5. Better health

Am not going to talk of coronal virus or any Covid-19 here. I heard in the news yesterday that you can be contradicted just by mentioning it name, so am mute on it. But my question is, are you reading this loud or silently? If you are reading it loud without nose musk please go for checkup now because this virus is spreading over the internet without it having an internet access. If this is possible then just imagine how many people will die daily on Google (don’t mind me am just on drug).

Hey, did I said that? No, am not on drug am really well in kicking, very fit (enough let move on to business).

Knowing your health is really a beneficial thing you must know.  Your health must be important to you because when your health is bad it easy to be sick. Yes, you can contradict coronal virus easily so you need to take good care of your health all the time.

So how can you measure your personal success according to your current health?

It simple but I think your doctor might help. You can run a checkup and compare it with your past year health. If you found out that you are more fit than the past years then it means your health status is really improving (You have been eating very well). But if you found out that currently your health is like that hungry guy who is with 6 packs without him doing any abdomen exercise.  Then there must be something wrong somewhere that you do need to fix. You think I will put a picture of hungry guy full of 6 packs so that you can laugh eh? I won’t is not something that you should make fun of.

Okay we are getting close to the best hack on this list.

But there is one “Powerful” guide I want to show you…

6. Standard of Living of your Family

How well your family current standard of living can be a great measure of your personal success. How do you know? Just look at how your family is living now compared to the past. Were you able to afford 2 cups of rice? Were you sleeping under a ceiling fan but currently you sleep in air condition? That is great, good improvement. I hope this is simple and I need not to talk a lot because everything here is personal.

In short, your family plays an important role in your life and they are the main reason for your suffering. You want to ensure that everyone in your family lives a successful life right? Yes, that is the dream of every husband and wife. So to know how well you have worked on this goal. All you need to do is to compare your family standard of living with the past year and you will get the answers yourself. But whether you find out to be poor or good don’t say it to anyone. Plan ahead and keep working on it and remember what I told you earlier on “Everything that you are working on is going to be Alright”

Okay, but what of your business or in the work place? Let measure the success of it.

Success in Business or Workplace

7. Daily Business Achievement

To measure the success of your business you can take into an account by looking at the daily achievement of the business. But you do need to have records of all your daily achievement over the past days. Without that you can’t determine whether you are doing well currently or you do need an improvement. Almost every business has records of their day to day activities so measuring it success base on it isn’t a big deal. But what then should you consider when doing this?

You can take into account some of the details on your records list like daily sales, output employee performance and productivity. Compare those details to the past performance and see whether you are doing well currently or the business achieved higher productivity over the past. Let me give you an example of this…

Example of Measuring Business Success base on it daily achievement

Sweet coffee Shop is the best coffee shop in town now. Over the past week their business records is as follow:

  • 5 employees
  • Daily sale of 50 cup of coffee
  • 50 regular customers

  But currently this week their records are as follow:

  • 10 employees
  • Daily sale of 300 cups of coffee
  • 250 regular customers

So base on these records we can measure the shop’s success by saying the shop is growing far well. Why are we saying that is because the above records show that currently, the shop is doing well than the past.

8. Comparing Monthly Business Net Profit

The main aim of every business is to generate more profit and provide good service to its customers. I don’t know or have not seen a business owner who has established a business with the aim of incurring expenses? Comment below if you have seen some before.  So by looking at the business financial statement we can tell right away from it that the business did well in the past year than this or that year. But what condition can we base on to say this?

Well it simple, You can do this by looking at the expenses and profit column on the financial statement. If you found that the business expense column is higher than the profit column for this month then productivity was very low. But if it is the other way round then productivity was very high. So you can predict base on the financial statement on areas where the company made a lot of expenses this month than last month as well as profit.

To achieve high productivity next month improve on those areas you couldn’t perform well this month. You can do this in a team of your financial department to speed things up because doing this alone takes a lot of time.

Let move on to the next measure of success examples on your business…

9. Through Customers Feed Back

One strategy that most business owners use to beat their competitors is by listening to it customers feedback or suggestion. Customers do not buy from one place, they want a firm with good service, better product with fair price. A customer will buy from you today and tomorrow buys from the other shop. When such a customer comes back to buy from you he or she may make a little suggestion that your price is too high or your product isn’t good enough. They say this because they know the difference between the value or kind of products you have and what other firms have.

So if you want areas to improve and later measure your business success on it, then you better begin listening to customer’s feedback. Because every business that thinks of its customers’ needs first wins the higher percentage in the market share. Think of it this way. Imagine your coffee shop is competing with one big coffee shop in the city. Your customers have made a lot of complain that you put in more sugar than the other coffee shop. You have heard of this several times but you haven’t taken any action on it.

What do you think your customers will do? They will switch and buy from the other coffee shop right? Yes because they want good health, they know that too much sugar can hurt them. But if you would have taken their suggestions into an account you would have win more customers. So don’t get rid of your customers’ feedback but take actions on their suggestion and they will recommend you to other customers themselves.

And by the way, if you are worried why I like talking about coffee, it’s because there is one in front of me. Oh, it’s not even in front of me, there is some in my mouth others too are in my stomach.  

10. Comparing With Your Competitors

I have said more about this in the introduction of this article. You remember I said I was fired in a business by fighting with one of the employees’ right?


That is not what I said and I don’t even remember me being involved in a fight. Quickly have a look at what I said. Every business has at least 3 or 5 competitors operating with different strategies. Knowing your biggest competitors’ strategy of operating is really a good source of beating it. For example, many energy drink business was in existence before coke, but now where are they all? Most of them have collapsed, right? Yes, because every coke firm has a very good marketing strategy and they always win the market share.

And despite that, coke is unlike the other firms. They don’t reveal their strategy of operating anyhow they only do it with their top employees. But what of other firms? In every customer’s meeting they say it loud about their marketing strategy and their way of operating. Not realizing that some customers could by spy competitors. While holding a customer’s meeting is really a good thing for every business to do. They must not do it by revealing things customers need not to be told about.

So if you are a business owner you can play the role of a spy competitor and steal your competitor operating strategies and then improve more on such a technique.  Then you can later measure your business success base on how you have improved on this strategy. Remember your goal here is to beat your competitor and win a bigger share in the market.

Measuring Success of a Projects

11. Daily or Monthly Achievement

To measure the success of your ongoing project. Just compare current achievement to the past month or week achievement. Every project does need to be divided into separate sections before trying to work on it. Some sections may be tough than the other whiles others may be easy. This way comparing an easy section to a tough section that needs more time is not a good idea. So what do you do then? Compare equal sections, because rating the speed of a dog to that of a tortoise is not a good ranking factor.

So compare the current achievement of the same section to that of last month. And figure out which month you did well in and where you need to improve on.  

12. Team performance

What is the true measure of Success? I was asked this question by a college guy who needed an answer to his economic assignment. He wanted to find out the true measure of a country success. But because he wasn’t focusing enough in class he wrote the question wrongly. So I asked him back, what is the true measure of what success? He was mute, So I told him I have no answer but he should not do it, and if his teacher asks why he should tell him he didn’t know what to measure it success.

Yes, that was what I said. Because can I just give you money and say, go and buy for me? without me mentioning the item name what will you buy? It nonsense right? Yes, I saw him the next day and he told me he wrote the question wrongly but how was I able to spot it out? I just ended it there and continued my journey. Because I knew if I keep long with him he is going to ask another stupid question again (unfocused college boy).

So what is the lesson in this? Imagine the assignment was given to me and the student as a teamwork. Do you think we would have been able to measure our success at the end of the day? No, because the question was wrong and we would know not what to write. So measuring a project performance by teamwork is really difficult sometimes when you are not on the same track with your team members. This issue does occur normally when working remotely with other team mates.

But when you are on the same point it easy to measure your success. Because at the end of the day you will combine your work and see how close you are to finish the project. And to this, you may be able to rate your performance comparing it with the past to the current achievement.

Final Thought on Measuring of Success Examples

So those are all the measures of success examples. You can apply any of it base on your current situation. To achieve higher productivity of a business or one personal life. Every organization or individual does need to measure its progress and find out which area needs more improvement.  Because success is all what business or every man is after and the best way to achieve this goal is to measure every bit of your progress. Please comment below if you like this article or any idea you have in mind that I couldn’t include. Also if you want an article of this type please contact me on and remember guest posting is accepted but you do need to contact any of my technical team to be accepted. Gmail

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About justice

A software engineer, graphic designer, web developer, copy writer, as well as a blogger
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