Why do Jehovah’s witnesses go door-to-door? Imagine you know the entire secret about JW’s, how quickly will you give a reply to someone in case he or she asks you something about Jehovah’s witnesses? I know you will not wait a second without spitting out a word from your mouth. But what if you know nothing about them? Will you be able to give a reply to someone in case you are asked to say something about JW’s? No, you can’t because you know nothing about them so you will end up being mute.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. In a few seconds, I will show you why Jehovah’s witnesses are eager with their door-to-door ministry work. Maybe you know a friend or a relative who is one of them but you have never had a chance of asking why they are so serious with their evangelical work. Don’t worry if you have never gotten such a chance, am about to show you why they do so.
Among all Christians, Jehovah’s witnesses seem to be different from how they do their ministry work. Why most churches prefer to preach to their members alone at Sundays, Jehovah’s witnesses are not like that. Almost every day, I do see some of them sharing a word with others on the street. This made me think that what they’re doing is a work that they are being paid for by the congregation. This blew my mind so I decided to find out the answer myself from a friend of mine who is one of them.
His name is Daniel. Trust me, I hate talking to this my friend for long hours because every little chat, he will either end up quoting me scriptures from the bible or saying Jehovah this and that. Whiles, we grew up in the same city, he seems to be limiting himself from most of the peoples who are non-believers. He doesn’t associate much with people who are not Jehovah’s witnesses but he prefers hanging a bang at his back and be going door-to-door, sharing words with the same peoples. Here comes another question I do need to ask him (Whey do he prefers to share a word with the same people he doesn’t want to associate with?) he does need to give me an answer for it but for now, let see why do Jehovah’s witnesses go door-to-door.
Check Also::: Why Do Jehovah Witness Keep Knocking On My Door?
When I asked him their aim of doing house to house ministry, he immediately opened his bible to (Acts 5:42;) and told me to read it, which I did. That scripture says, (And every day in the temple and from house to house they continued without letup teaching and declaring the good news about the Christ, Jesus.) He then said, when Jesus was on earth, he told all his followers to go and preach the word and make disciples of all nations. He didn’t tell them to sit in the temple and teach peoples alone but to go from house to house what so-called door-to-door. He then continued as I sat there quietly listening, you see Justice, after Jesus death, first-century Christians didn’t stop spreading the word but rather they continued the work as they were told before Jesus died to go to house-to-house and share the word with those who are willing to listen. We Jehovah’s witnesses also do the same, we followed the early Christians and have gotten to know that the door to door ministry is the best way of reaching many peoples.
All that I said was okay it makes sense but tell me, do you think all Christians should do the same as you Jehovah’s witnesses do? Then he put the question back on me rather and said, according to the scripture you just read, what do you think? I was mute because, within me, I had an idea of doing my own research about the scripture he made me read because I heard that they have their own version of the bible. I went to the library and compared almost five different kinds of bibles but what I read was exactly what was in there, no difference.
Below come the real answer to the question of why do Jehovah’s witnesses go door-to-door?
What Is Jehovah’s Witnesses aim of doing door-to-door Ministry (JW SECRET)

I hope you have gotten the answer to this question already base on what Daniel said above? Well in case you did not, let me quickly brief you of exactly what he said. All that he said was that their main aim of doing the door-to-door ministry or evangelical work is to share the word with many peoples. He explained that there is no form of physical payment from anyone in what they are doing but Jehovah’s is the only one to reward them. He said, is not that they prefer to go to houses and be talking to them, no. They just want to let many peoples know more about the kingdom of God.
Now you have gotten it right. So remember their main aim is to help everyone to learn about the kingdom of God through their door-to-door bible teachings. Comment below if you have any idea, contribution or suggestion of what we just discussed on (why do Jehovah’s witnesses go door-to-door).